Food Combinations As Per Ayurveda & Science

Food Combinations As Per Ayurveda & Science

Do not mix this food together if you want to live longer!


7 min read

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If you eat one thing and put another thing that works opposite then in your system there is a war. This way, meat by itself may not cause this much damage, but when you cook fatty meat and eat it with rice and ghee it will lead to a disaster in your system.

Science Behind It

To digest food, the pancreas produces different enzymes.
Imagine what happens when you stuff yourself with all kinds of foods. How will it load your poor pancreas? What will happen after all these enzymes will mix?

All foods require different levels of acidity to get digested. For example, vegetables, grains and cereals are alkaline (non-acidic) substances and they are processed quickly in the stomach if they are not mixed with proteins. But proteins need a very acid environment, many enzymes and energy and their digestion takes much longer and feels "heavy". Especially animal proteins are much more complex and take even longer to digest.

Carbs are processed with disinfectant hydrofluoric acid and proteins are processed with the enzyme pepsin. And the problem is that hydrofluoric acid and pepsin don't work well together. And if we mix acidic beans with alkaline fruits it will lead to poor meat digestion. And our stomachs will not be able to digest & disinfect proteins properly.

After this undigested proteins get dragged from the stomach into the duodenum where we have a very alkaline environment. So the pancreas has to secret a huge amount of trypsin to somehow digest proteins. This overloads the pancreas even more and will wear it out and can lead to pancreatitis and other problems. At the same time, undigested high-molecular proteins will start rotting in our intestines and feed our pathogenic (harmful) microflora. And rotting produces gases like hydrogen sulfide and methane. If you have ever been in a toilet after a meat eater you can experience it πŸ˜…. Do you think it is how nature created us?

What's worse some of the proteins squeeze through membrane pores into the blood (along with correctly digested elements). And now we load our liver to take care of them. And when the liver gets overloaded it doesn't have time to do the actual work it is supposed to do. And some of these foreign high-molecular proteins that got into the blood generally cause an antigen-antibody reaction in our immune system. And it will lead to other nasty consequences.

Alkaline & Acidic Food: A pH Chart, Food List, and More | mindbodygreen

Consequences Of Bad Combinations

As Sadhgruru said when mixing foods with opposite effects it will create a war within yourself. For example, mixing proteins and carbs cause indigestion and overload our pancreas, liver and other organs. The gases of undigested proteins will cause constipation, bloating and gases. And the long term this leads to intestines chronic problems like dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, bacterial overgrowth syndrome and others.

It is very important to be aware of food combinations.

7 Rules for Combining Foods

1. Don't mix high-protein food or acidic veggies with high-carb food

Since different enzymes are needed for digesting carbs and proteins you should not mix them.

high proteins or acid foodscarbs
fish, seafoodgrains, rice, pasta
eggssweet fruits
lentils, legumespotatoes

Note: You can mix high-protein foods with greens and non-sweet vegetables like spinach or cabbage.

P.S. Ayurveda says the same, except that you can mix beans with grains, but try & see it for yourself.

2. Eat melons & grapes alone

They also should not be mixed and eaten alone (unless you are a fruit eater).

It is because they contain sugars, not as fructose but almost pure glucose and support fermentations in our stomachs.

Also, the pancreas will need to produce a ton of insulin to digest the glucose so you don't want to overload it even more.

P.S. Ayurveda says this only about melons, but Frolov adds grapes to the list.

3. Eat fruit & berries alone

This is especially true for sweet fruits: dates, bananas, persimmon, raisins, etc.
It is good if you restrict the consumption of sweet fruits.

Fruit should ideally be eaten at least thirty minutes before a meal or two hours after to avoid fermentation in the stomach, resulting in gas and bloating.


  • A small amount of cooked/stewed fruits can be eaten alongside oatmeal or other well-cooked grains.

  • Honey combines well with fruit for most people

  • If the fruit is pulverized it also becomes easier to digest, so smoothies that combine fruits with vegetables and non-dairy milk are an exception to the rule.

4. Avoid mixing raw and cooked foods

Cooked foods are more easily digested than raw foods as the enzymes have become activated in the cooking process. As the rate of digestion between them differs significantly, Ayurveda teaches that raw and cooked foods should be eaten separately.

5. Avoid dairy products

You shouldn't be eating them (except ghee) in the first place. When you prepare for Samyama you can't eat dairy in any form. But if you still do you need to follow these rules, but keep it simple:

  • Don't mix dairy products (for example milk with yogurt is not good).

  • Milk drink alone (but it is better to not drink it).

  • Cheese & yogurts can be consumed with grains and non-sweet vegetables.

You can read more in the table below.

P.S. Ayurveda advices against eating honey with equal GHEE by weight (e.g. 1 tsp honey + 3 tsp ghee). Whereas 2 tsp + with 1 tsp ghee is fine.

Ayurvedically speaking, all nightshades are believed to be somewhat difficult to digest and to have the capacity to disturb the doshas.

Nightshades are the family of vegetables that includes:

  • Eggplants

  • Chily papers

  • tomatoes

  • Bell pepper

As you see everything (except bell peppers) above is non-positive pranic. The problem with nightshades is that they contain lots of lectin proteins. Lectins cause various inflammation in the body. Especially it is bad for people who already have this kind of problem - people with leaky guts, dysbacteriosis, and bacterial overgrowth syndrome.

Before people didn't have this kind of problem and it wasn't this significant. In addition, nightshades were brought to us quite recently during the colonization of America, so we started to eat them not so long ago.

In Isha Yoga Center tomatoes are eaten rare because they have certain digestion benefits.

But if you still eat tomatoes & bell peppers remember they are not compatible with fruits and cucumbers.

7. Avoid negative pranic, tamasic, modified, and chemical food.

I will make a whole new article about it in the future. For now, I'll mention that you should avoid starchy and sugary foods. They support decay and fermentation processes in our stomachs and we need to get rid of them.

Sugary: white sugar, ketchup, doughnuts, cakes, and other unhealthy desserts.
Starchy: bread, pasta, other products from flour, potatoes, and rice.

  • Coffee with sugar.
    Coffee is already not good for your body so don't make it worse. But cardamom in coffee helps with alleviating some negative effects.

  • Fast foods and carbonated drinks.

  • Chicken and potato chips.

  • Bananas and milk.
    Bananas have a sour post-digestive effect, while milk has a sweet post-digestive effect and when eaten together, their opposing qualities tend to smother the digestive fire and can disrupt the balance of intestinal flora, which results in the creation of toxins.

  • Beans and cheese.

    This combination confuses the digestion fire and makes the digestion process even more difficult resulting in poor digestion.

  • Nightshades and cheese.
    When we mix these inherently challenging nightshades with cheese β€” which is heavy, oily, and also difficult to digest β€” we can quickly overtax the digestive fire.

Embrace Balance

Be good when you can but don’t sweat when you break the rules. Ayurvedic food combining is hugely effective when implemented but should be done so in moderation and with flexibility. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Keep mealtimes joyful and incorporate the wisdom of ayurveda slowly and gradually.

Here is a visual table for your convenience:

Compatible and Incompatible Foods: A List

*Foods in CAPITALS are the most difficult combinations


[1]: Yuri Frolov, lecture "Separate meals: Never eat THESE foods TOGETHER if you want to live longer! True PP.", 2022.

[2]: Banyan Botanicals article, 2022.

[3]: The Ayurvedic Institute, 2016.

[4]: Popular Vedic Science, 2022.

[4]: Sadhguru's talks.